6th Choro Festival

GROUNDS Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam

pic by Edu Monteiro  Buy Tickets here menu 2 dinner, please reserve Party! The sixth edition of this unique festival in Europe takes place again in the culture-rich neighborhood of Delfshaven in Rotterdam! This edition with special attention for the choros of Jacob de bandolim and the sambas of Baden Powell.   A unique Brazilian Choro […]

Start New Season


Saturday 12 January start of the new season! Join a saturday for free trial!

No lessons!!

NO Lessons because of Choro festival in Brussels www.chorabruxelas.be

Choro Sunday

GROUNDS Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLNN3wSsidg&feature=youtu.be Buy tickets here Festival with presentations of students, teachers and 2 special guests from Bahia Brasil: Marcelo Rosario (7 cordas) and Morgana Moreno (flute) More info about them below. Spring is here! Come to Grounds with the whole family for a wonderful Brazilian afternoon and evening. With a concert of our special guests from […]

world music experience Rotterdam

WMDC Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam

Een dag vol optredens en workshops van alle muziekscholen die in Grounds zitten: Jazz, Pop, Rock en Turkse muziek van de SKVR, Indiase muziek van Rasique, Music School Braziliaanse muziek van EPM Holanda en Capoeira van Berimbau de Ouro. Altijd al een instrument willen spelen? Kom dan zeker langs! SKVR: Jazz, Pop, Rock en Turkse […]